Right before my daughter was born, I came across the Sewing Spool website and their {Precious}
bird mobile. To my delight, there was a pattern for these adorable fabric birds, so in all my 37 week preggo glory, I jumped (come on - pregnant ladies can't jump!) on it!
Here is their
pattern. The birds were incredibly EaSY to make and because I used scrap fabric, real twigs and fishing line I already had, it was practically free. Ok, I did have to buy the teeny eye hooks, but they were like $0.99 for a whole package at Hobby Lobby. This sure beats the HECK out of buying one of those {CrAZy} expenisve baby mobiles, plus I could always tell my little one I made that especially for her! The hubs helped with the physics required to figure out all the balance & counter-balance stuff necessary so that it hangs right. Physics is NOT my strong suit! It turned out better than I had imagined and looks P.E.R.F.E.C.T in her room!

See, it already went with a minor bird theme we had going.

A close up of the birds & you can tell how I sewed them on the twig with embroidery floss.

Give this one a try! It is definitely a great addition to a nursery, child's playroom, or even a sun porch or something. It also makes a great gift & nothing beats handmade!