LOVE LOVE these - working on them now. This would be a whole lot easier with the ruffle foot I asked for Christmas! With 2 little kids, they may be ready in time for NEXT Christmas! ;)
Hi! I'm Hillary. I am a busy mom of 2 kids, a son in the midst of his Terrible Threes (3 is so much worse that 2!) and a uber squirmy 1 year old daughter! They are the loves of my life, well, them and their daddy! I also work full time as a science teacher. In my spare time *scoff,* I adore doing crafts of all calibers. I scrapbook, and recently took up sewing and wood crafts. We are always trying to spiff up our home and so when I see amazing projects, I want a way to "bookmark" them for later and make notes. So I post those projects here and It's On My List!